Posts tagged mindful & intuitive eating
5 Tips for Cultivating A Healthy Relationship With Food

Having a healthy relationship with food looks different for everyone because we are unique individuals with unique circumstances. At it’s most basic, having a healthy relationship with food means that you care about and make an effort to nourish yourself well and meet your nutritional needs without following food rules, restrictions and rigid plans and routines to dictate what, how much and when you eat.

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How to Find Your Wellness Sweet Spot

Diet culture and the wellness industry will have you believe that losing weight and eating well is all about motivation, willpower, food rules, restrictive meal plans, elimination diets and complex protocols. The whole industry is built on taking control away from you and often leads to disordered and extreme eating behaviour.

Unfortunately, these extremes are rarely sustainable and lead you on the path to bouncing back and forth from diets and restrictive meal plans on one end of the spectrum to neglecting your nutritional needs on the other.

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3 Ways To Embrace Your Individuality When It Comes To Nutrition

One of the questions that comes up most often when I'm working with a new client is, "well, how do I know how much I need to eat? If you don't give me a meal plan, how do I know what my portion size should be so that I don't over/under eat?" The truth is, there’s no such as one size fits all and you already have the answer to that question. Read on for 3 ways to tune into your body's innate wisdom so you can embrace your individualtiy when it comes to what, when and how much you eat and stop following trends, fads and rules:

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Breaking The Diet Cycle & My Personal Wellness Story

Have you ever tried to lose weight or adopt better eating habits by following a diet plan, based on food rules and restrictions? How did that work out for you? Did you have trouble sticking with it? Did you succumb to cravings by eating the “forbidden foods”? Did you plan “cheat days” when anything and everything was “allowed” only to find yourself binging and feeling all kinds of guilt and shame? If this narrative sounds familiar, you are not alone. For most women I know, it’s a cycle that repeats itself for years. I know, because I’ve been there myself. I’d like to share my personal wellness story with you today.

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Why we Overeat and What to do about it

Have you ever had a meal that left you feeling physically full, and yet you still felt the "need" to munch on something afterwards? You likely got up and walked over to the pantry or refrigerator (or holiday dessert table), in search of something more? We’ve all been there!

There are many reasons why this happens, but here are the most prominent ones I see most often in myself and my clients.

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