Making Healthy Choices vs Dieting

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Now more than ever, there’s a collective denouncing of diet culture happening in and around the wellness industry and beyond. People are starting to realize that diets, food rules and restrictions aren’t all they’ve been made out to be.

You might be feeling a bit conflicted. On the one hand, you don't want to partake in the same old narrative that tells you you're broken and need fixing. You're ready to start embracing, accepting and even loving yourself as you are and yet, you still feel compelled to make healthier choices.

What gives?

Well, you're human for one, and have had years of conditioning that diets will help you achieve your health and wellness goals.

But you know better than that. If diets worked you wouldn’t need another one right?

There IS a better way. There's a sweet spot, a happy middle ground, where you can take charge of your health and wellbeing and finally create healthy, mindful and intuitive eating habits that stick, without food rules, restrictions and trendy fad diets.

Making healthier food choices is about so much more than manipulating your body size and shape and punishing yourself for induging in a few extra cookies over the holidays. Making a conscious effort to support your body's needs has the power to change your life, for the better, but it doesn't have to consume you, and it doesn't have to be all or nothing.

If the pandemic has taught us anything, it's that life is precious and our body is a temple worth caring for. But it also taught us that life is too short to spend it being miserable.

What if from now on, you finally started making healthier choices for their inherent benefits?

What if you finally embraced the true power of nourishment to support your body's needs instead of depriving it and punshing it?

What if you ended the elusive quest for the perfect diet and/or ideal body size and resolved to find balance with your eating habits and confidence in your food choices.

What if you set out to feel healthier, happier and more connected to your body?

My challenge to you is to refect on what you truly want for your health and wellbeing, to set goals with heart and soul that you feel connected to, and to create a plan that you're excited about seeing through to the end.

Over to you now. Leave me a comment below or send me a DM on Instagram and let me know that you’re ready start making healthier choices for their inherent benefits.

xo Nissrine

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