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The BEST KEPT Weight Loss Secrets
How do you lose weight without dieting? Can you lose weight without a calorie deficit? This is the million dollar question now isn’t it? How do you manage your weight, increase your energy and feel better in your body as you age, without dieting and being in a caloric deficit? Is it even possible? Read more to find out.

10 Journal prompts For Limiting Beliefs
Having limiting beliefs is part of the human experience. We all tell ourselves stories that hold us back and prevent us from reaching our full potential at some point in our lives. Through mindful self-reflection we can bring a greater level of self-awareness to our limiting beliefs so we can recognize, challenge and overcome them with more ease.

How To Keep Moving Forward When You Feel Stuck With Your Health & Wellness Goals
Here's a little exercise that I like to do with my clients when they are struggling to stick with a new habit, break an old one, make a meaningful mindset shift or simply move forward in their wellness journey (hint: it's applicable for your entrepreneurial journey and your life too).

11 ways to add more vegetables to your daily meals
It’s no secret that vegetables are good for us and we all know that we should be eating the rainbow, in other words, a variety of vegetables from all the colour groups. Yet still, many people struggle to get enough vegetables into their daily meals either because they don’t know how to make them taste good or because it’s just not convenient. Here are a few of my favourite practical ways to add more vegetables to your daily meals; both quantity and variety.

3 Steps To Easy Healthy Lunches All Week Long
If you’ve been reading this blog for any length of time you’ll know that I’m all about simplicity and balance when it comes to healthy eating. Without these two things, you’ll be hard pressed to stick to your healthy eating habits long term. That said, there are two other essential components to making healthy eating habits stick and they are planning & preparation. Yet, there’s still a matter of the time it takes to prepare a healthy meal in the middle of a busy work day. So here are a few of my favourite tips and tricks to make it easier.

5 Tips for Cultivating A Healthy Relationship With Food
Having a healthy relationship with food looks different for everyone because we are unique individuals with unique circumstances. At it’s most basic, having a healthy relationship with food means that you care about and make an effort to nourish yourself well and meet your nutritional needs without following food rules, restrictions and rigid plans and routines to dictate what, how much and when you eat.

7 Tips to Ditch The “Summer Body” Goals
It’s May and summer is fast approaching. Everywhere you turn is someone selling you a product or service that promises you that swimsuit ready summer body. I’ve seen it time and again with clients and friends, men and women alike. The desire to obtain that summer body is deeply ingrained within the fabric of our society. It’s a toxic narrative that keeps you stuck in a vicious cycle that gives you permission to neglect your nutritional, health and wellness needs all year long, until you have an aesthetic reason not too.

5 Common Obstacles To Creating Healthy Eating Habits & How to Overcome Them
Challenges, set backs and obstacles are a normal part of any journey. How you handle those challenges, set back and obstacles however, can make all the difference in how your journey unfolds. Let’s have a look at some of the most common challenges, set-backs and obstacles that may come up when adopting healthier eating and lifestyle habits and how you can deal with them.

How A Daily Self Check-In Practice Can Support Your Health & Wellness Goals
Cultivating healthy eating and lifestyle habits that stick is a process that takes trial and correction as well as an understanding of what works for you and what doesn’t. There are no cookie cutter solutions that work for everyone. Taking time to check in with yourself everyday is an essential part of this process, especially if you’re doing it alone; meaning without the support of a coach or community to encourage you, guide you, and provide you with the accountability you need to meet your health and wellness goals.

How To Cultivate A Flexible Daily Routine That Supports Your Health & Wellness Goals
It's no secret that babies thrive on routine, but as it turns out, so do adults. We’re creatures of habit and we find comfort in the familiar and it just so happens that a daily routine is a great way to provide structure and predictability to your day, which incidentally come with many other benefits. In this article, you’ll learn about the benefits of a daily routine and how to cultivate a flexible one that works for you and supports your health & wellness goals.

The Real Reason You're Struggling to Find Balance & Consistency With Your Eating Habits
Ever wonder why you struggle so much to create healthy eating habits? To find balance in the way you nourish yourself and to do so consistently? You’ve probably tried many different diets, eating plans and regiments. Maybe you’ve even signed up for Weight Watchers, Noom or subscribed to the calorie counting school of thought. Yet nothing seems to stick. You’ve most likely given up and tried again more times than you can count and you’re exhausted. If this sounds familiar, you’re not alone. This is the viscious all in / all out cycle that we get trapped in, thanks to the diet and wellness industry narrative.

Creating a Balanced Meal without A recipe
One the main principles of the HolisticNiss nutrition philosophy is that you don't need complicated recipes or trendy “superfoods” to be able to make a healthy well balanced meal. What you do need is a set of guidelines, ideas and basic cooking knowledge to help you work your own magic in the kitchen and onto your plate. Read on for ideas and inspiration to help you get more nourishing meals on the table without the fuss.

3 Strategies To Help You Eat Healthy Even When You’re Pressed For Time
Are you pressed for time? Do you feel like eating healthy is too difficult and time consuming? Do you wish you could hire a personal chef so that you can finally start creating healthy eating habits that you can stick with? In this article, I share proven actionable tips, that have worked for me and my clients, that simplify and take the confusion out of healthy eating, so that you can create mindful eating habits that are easy to stick with even if you're starved for time.

How to Find Your Wellness Sweet Spot
Diet culture and the wellness industry will have you believe that losing weight and eating well is all about motivation, willpower, food rules, restrictive meal plans, elimination diets and complex protocols. The whole industry is built on taking control away from you and often leads to disordered and extreme eating behaviour.
Unfortunately, these extremes are rarely sustainable and lead you on the path to bouncing back and forth from diets and restrictive meal plans on one end of the spectrum to neglecting your nutritional needs on the other.

Why you Experience food guilt & how to Stop It
In a world obsessed with diets, food rules and restrictions, it’s common to experience food guilt and shame. We’re taught that in order to eat healthy we have to live with a set of food rules and restrictions, and the so called natural, good and clean foods, which drives us to control our food choices to the point of obsession and is the ultimate reason we feel guilt and shame when we eat the foods we think we shouldn’t eat. This frame of thinking about food inevitably causes us to get caught in the all in / all out cycle when it comes to our eating habits and prevents us from finding balance and consistency in the way we nourish ourselves. Reframing the way we think about food is the first step to reducing food guilt and shame.

3 Ways To Embrace Your Individuality When It Comes To Nutrition
One of the questions that comes up most often when I'm working with a new client is, "well, how do I know how much I need to eat? If you don't give me a meal plan, how do I know what my portion size should be so that I don't over/under eat?" The truth is, there’s no such as one size fits all and you already have the answer to that question. Read on for 3 ways to tune into your body's innate wisdom so you can embrace your individualtiy when it comes to what, when and how much you eat and stop following trends, fads and rules:

Breaking The Diet Cycle & My Personal Wellness Story
Have you ever tried to lose weight or adopt better eating habits by following a diet plan, based on food rules and restrictions? How did that work out for you? Did you have trouble sticking with it? Did you succumb to cravings by eating the “forbidden foods”? Did you plan “cheat days” when anything and everything was “allowed” only to find yourself binging and feeling all kinds of guilt and shame? If this narrative sounds familiar, you are not alone. For most women I know, it’s a cycle that repeats itself for years. I know, because I’ve been there myself. I’d like to share my personal wellness story with you today.

6 ways That Meal Planning Can Be A Self Care Tool
If finding balance in your eating habits is one of your goals, the best piece of advice I can give you is, let go of the diets, food rules and restrictive protocols and meal plans and start planning your own well balanced meals based on your taste preferences, nutrient needs and lifestyle. Let’s face it. No one knows what you like to eat, better than you. No one knows what your body needs, better than you.

3 Ways To Stay Committed To Your Wellness Goals
It’s that time of year when it gets harder to stay committed to your goals and resolutions. It’s easy to start looking for reasons and excuses to give up. They’re everywhere and not very hard to find. Let’s face it, change is hard, and it has been made even harder than ever in today’s climate. It’s just easier and more comfortable to stay put, eventhough you know it’s not what’s best for you. So how then are you supposed to stay committed to your goals in the face of all this adversity. Read on for 3 ways to stay committed to your wellness goals this year and every year.

Wellness Beyond Nutrition: The 6 Areas Of Your Life To Focus On For Holistic Wellness
Holistic wellness goes beyond nutrition and involves 6 interconnected areas of your life. True lasting wellness happens at the intersection of all 6 areas. Your hopes, desires, emotions, thoughts, beliefs, attitudes and actions have the power to influence your wellness in all areas, and an imbalance in one area is likely to spill over into the other areas.
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