The Real Reason You're Struggling to Find Balance & Consistency With Your Eating Habits

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Ever wonder why you struggle so much to create healthy eating habits? To find balance in the way you nourish yourself and to do so consistently? You’ve probably tried many different diets, eating plans and regiments. Maybe you’ve even signed up for Weight Watchers, Noom or subscribed to the calorie counting school of thought. Yet nothing seems to stick.

You’ve most likely given up and tried again more times than you can count and you’re exhausted.

If this sounds familiar, you’re not alone.

This is the viscious all in / all out cycle that we get trapped in, thanks to the diet and wellness industry narrative.

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The All In / All Out Cycle

  1. When you go all in

    You decide it’s time to change your eating habits once and for all. You’re highly motivated, full to the brim with willpower and you discover the next best diet and wellness trend so you go all in. You start eliminating and restricting and feeling like you’re finally getting somewhere. You set your expectations high and demand compliance from yourself 100% of the time.

    Eventually, because you are human, you get tired, exhausted even, you start to have cravings, you start to lose motivation and willpower because neither of those things are endless, and you wonder what's wrong with you (spoiler alert: nothing), why you're struggling so much to stick with this new diet/fad/trend/method.

  2. When you fall out of love with your new diet

    You essentially fall out of love with this new diet/fad/trend/method and you go back to your old habits, because they are comfortable. 

    You may even start to lose control around food as you start eating all the things you've been depriving yourself from and lose sight of our nutritional needs in the process because you tell yourself the lie that you don’t have self control and have to be all in or all out. You neglect to acknowledge that you are losing control around food because you’ve spent a period of time depriving yourself.

    You may gain weight, or experience imbalances and symptoms, and you start telling yourself you need to do something, but you procrastinate - I'll start tomorrow, I’ll start again Monday, I’ll do a cleanse or a reset next week, I might as well wait until the new year.

  3. When you get pulled back in byt the diet industry narrative

    Eventually, you start to feel guilty and blame yourself for not being more in control and not having enough willpower. You feel like you’ve failed yet again and start looking for another, better solution, a new trend, a quick fix.

    This is when you are most vulnerable and get pulled back in by a well oiled multi-trillion dollar industry that profits off of you being stuck in the cycle and counts on you failing and coming back for more.

    So you go all in and the cycle repeats itself, over and over and over.

It’s no wonder you’re exhausted. Imagine doing that over and over again for months or even years?

Unfortunately, many women do. It’s not always easy to acknowledge, especially when you’re stuck in the cycle, but many women are starting to open their eyes and see just how unsupportive and harmful this cycle really is.

In fact, in a recent survey, here’s what some of my clients, friends and women in my community had to share about thier struggles and frustrations with this very cycle:

  • "I'm tired and frustrated of being on a diet and gaining weight as soon as I quit dieting"

  • "I don't know how to find balance in my eating habits and my life"

  • "I'm tired of dieting and don't know how to save myself from the consequences of eating"

  • "I don't know what to eat for my body"

  • "I feel bad after I eat junk and then go on a crash. There is not enough balance"

Unfortunately, there's plenty more where that came from, and it's all much of the same. Women everywhere have lost their ability to tune into their innate wisdom and listen to their bodies, because of this cycle.

But thankfully, there’s a way out of this all in/all out, one size fits all, all or nothing approach that leaves you feeling bad about yourself. It involves making healthier choices because you want to, for their inherent benefits and from a place of love and compassion.

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How to break the diet cyle and find balance & consistency in your eating habits, for good

In my one on one coaching program, I've worked with many women, to help them cultivate mindful eating habits without rigid diets and food rules so they can finally break out of this viscious cycle and find balance and consistency in the way they nourish and care for themselves, for good.  

My sustainable approach is grounded in the art and science of human behaviour change, mindful and intuitive eating principles and back to basics nutrition. 

We work on setting a wellness vision and goals that are deeply meaningful to you. We address mindset blocks and look at ways to develop a growth mindset when it comes to your health and wellness. We explore ways in which mindful and intuitive eating practices can be incorporated into your life and how the fundamentals of nutrition can support your unique needs. Last but not least, we look at all the non nutrition ways in which you can care for yourself and improve your wellbeing.

There's no magic involved, but plenty of guidance, support, empowerment. education and judgement free accountability, which most of the time is all you really need to feel a little less alone in your quest for positive and lasting change, and get the confidence boost you need to take charge of your own health and wellbeing.

Over to you now. Leave me a comment below or send me a DM on Instagram and let me know how you made out with this exercise - I’d love to know!

xo Nissrine

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