Why willpower isn’t enough to create healthy habits that stick & what you need instead

Why willpower isn't enough to create healthy eating habits that stick and what to do instead.png

Change is never easy. But you already knew that, didn’t you?

You start out motivated and full to the brim with willpower and think that this time it’s going to be different, that you’re going to make those healthy eating habits stick.  You can feel it.  You’re on fire, and then something happens to throw you off course and you find yourself back in your old habits, frustrated and wondering what’s wrong with you.  

It’s an all too familiar scenario, and you know what? Nothing is wrong with you.

You see, there’s so much noise and confusion about what we think we should do/want, that we forget to listen to our hearts and tap into what we really want.

This is where having a wellness vision comes in handy.


What’s a wellness vision?

A wellness vision is a compelling statement of your ideal state of being, written in the present tense, as if it were reality. It's a detailed description of your ideal state of physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health and wellbeing.

It defines how you feel and act when you are at your best.  It articulates what you really want for yourself and captures your deepest desires and intrinsic motivators, aka why you want it and why it’s so important to you.

A wellness vision helps you set goals with heart so you can create a wellness plan, made just for you.  One that you’re excited about seeing through, even when things get tough.

It’s time to cut through all the noise and confusion and start listening to your heart.  

How to create a wellness vision

Let’s do a little activity! Pull out your journal or notebook and start answering these questions:

  1. How do I want to act?

  2. How do I want to feel?

  3. What are some of the habits and practices that I want to be doing consistently and with ease, once I've achieved this vision?

  4. Why are these things important to me?

  5. How will they impact my life? my relationships? my career?
    What do I have to gain from these habits and practices?

Now, articulate your wellness vision, in the present tense, as if it were already happening to you.  Visualize it, feel it, express it.  Be as detailed as you can be.  Imagine how you feel living in aligment with that vision.

Here's a sample wellness vision to guide you.

Once you’ve completed this exercise, take a look in the mirror, smile and give yourself a pat on the back for you’ve got your wellness vision, you’re ready to start setting some goals and crafting that plan.  

Want some feedback and guidance? Leave me a comment below or send me a DM on Instagram and let me know how you made out with this exercise - I’d love to know!

xo Nissrine

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