6 ways That Meal Planning Can Be A Self Care Tool

If finding balance in your eating habits is one of your goals, the best piece of advice I can give you is, let go of the diets, food rules and restrictive protocols and meal plans and start planning your own well balanced meals based on your taste preferences, nutrient needs and lifestyle.

Let’s face it. No one knows what you like to eat, better than you. No one knows what your body needs, better than you.

As a holistic nutritionst, I never give meal plans because I don’t believe in telling people what to eat.

My modus operandi is educating my clients on the fundamentals of nutrition, giving them the guidelines, formula, blue print and empowering them to make it work for them.

In other words, I teach them my approach to meal planning and let them create their own well balanced meal plans.

Why do I do this?

Because meal planning is an essential part of cultivating healthy, mindful and intuitive eating habits that stick. If this is your goal, then meal planning shouldn’t be done for you by someone else.

I can certainly add value to my client’s meal plans, but I will never be able to create a meal plan for them and their family as well as they can do it themselves.

In my meal planning guide, I provide structure and guidance, with plenty of flexibility and room for personalization, so you can eat the foods you want, and not just the foods you think you should eat because someone told you to.

This meal planning method allows you to meet your nutrient needs while still enjoying the foods you love; a win win and the ultimate gesture of self care and self love.

Here are 6 ways that meal planning, the HolisticNiss way, can be a tool for self care and self love:

  1. Kicks dieting to the curb.

    Is grounded in making healthier choices that support your body’s needs and not on calorie/macro counting and weighing portions. No foods are forbidden and you are encouraged to make both mindful and intuitive choices.

  2. Simplifies your life.

    It promotes organization and time savings and encourages you to purposely plan for leftovers to carry you through those busy days when you don't have time to cook;

  3. Focuses on abundance.

    Encourages you to explore a wider variety of foods, colours and textures.

  4. Flexible & Adaptabe.

    Gives you the formula and guidelines as well the flexibility to choose based on your lifestyle, taste preferences, cultural norms and budget.

  5. Reconnects you with food & your body

    By teaching you to nourish yourself from a place of love, balance and confidence.

  6. Puts the joy back into meal times.

    You’ll enjoy what you're eating and satisfy your desire for the foods you love while knowing that you are meeting your nutrient needs.

Over to you now. Do you meal plan? Leave me a comment below or send me a DM on Instagram and let me know your experience with this!

xo Nissrine

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