6 ways That Meal Planning Can Be A Self Care Tool
If finding balance in your eating habits is one of your goals, the best piece of advice I can give you is, let go of the diets, food rules and restrictive protocols and meal plans and start planning your own well balanced meals based on your taste preferences, nutrient needs and lifestyle. Let’s face it. No one knows what you like to eat, better than you. No one knows what your body needs, better than you.
Wellness Beyond Nutrition: The 6 Areas Of Your Life To Focus On For Holistic Wellness
Holistic wellness goes beyond nutrition and involves 6 interconnected areas of your life. True lasting wellness happens at the intersection of all 6 areas. Your hopes, desires, emotions, thoughts, beliefs, attitudes and actions have the power to influence your wellness in all areas, and an imbalance in one area is likely to spill over into the other areas.
The Holisticniss Holiday Survival Guide
Christmas is just around the corner and the holiday season can be a hectic and exhausting time for many of us, from work deadlines, to family obligations and social gatherings, it’s easy to set aside our needs and feel depleted. Take these simple steps to manage all the overwhelm and take care of you this holiday season.
The Amazing Benefits of Laughter Yoga
When was the last time you laughed? I mean really laughed, so hard that you cried. Do you remember what made you laugh so hard? Do you remember how good it felt? What if you could feel that good everyday, just by laughing, for no reason at all, especially in dark times where you seemingly have nothing to laugh about and so many reasons to cry.